Adde Egypt Mom-Dad Wilderbeast

Egypt 2012 day 8

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

December 28Th

We had discussed going on a pyramid adventure with my Dad. He wanted to visit some of the pyramids that aren’t very well known such as Abu Sir or to go to Fayoom and look at the pyramids in the area.

I can’t tell you how many times we have been to Giza and Saqqara pyramids and how much I love going every single time. It’s an amazing creation and I love walking around and imagining what the pyramids looked like just when they were built, how the people lived and how it was to be an Egyptian in those times. And something that I really hold dear to me is when we graduated and our graduation ceremony was in front of the pyramids. Such an amazing and special experience!

Any ways, after breakfast Andy, Wilderbeast, Dad and I pilled info the car and started our trip towards the Pyramids. But unfortunately this being Egypt we missed our exit from the Ring Road because the sign to turn off was after the turn itself. So we tried going another way and ended up going around the Giza area for about an hour with lots of traffic and two hours after we left Maadi we finally parked at Saqqara and The Step Pyramid or the Dosjor Pyramid.

Having been there lots of times before we know all know what to expect and where to go. Although there are lots of people selling postcards, books, hats and other touristy crap and not go forget the donkey taxi. We’ve been there and done that, about 20 times already so we just ignored them and did our thing. We saw the Ti Tomb pyramid slightly to the right of the Dosjor and about 4 other pyramids in the distance. We took pictures and even recruited my Dad and Wilderbeast to help us find 2 geocaches in the area, one earth cache and one traditional cache. Finding them both was fun, because that meant that we finally managed to take our first Egyptian cache. It was quite annoying because we started geocaching about 4.5 years ago, just after our 2009 trip to Cairo, Luxor, Aswan, Bahriya and the Nile Cruise. So se missed out on all of them, but it gives us a reason to come back.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 01 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 02 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 03 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 04 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 05 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 06 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 07 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 08

We started driving from Saqqara towards Abu Sir but the road got worse and worse and worse. The speed bumps were the size of small houses and our car was really getting abused. The speed bumps were scraping the underside of the car and we just couldn’t get anywhere properly. So we decided to call it a day and go back home instead. We were all tired from the sun and walking around but I think mostly from the stress of the road.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 09 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 10

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 11

Back at home my Mom had made Koshari and we LOVE koshari. Koshari is pretty much the national dish of Egypt. It is a combination of cheap foods that are found by everyone, rich or poor. The first layer is a boiled rice and black lentils. The second layer is small macaronis. Then topped with beautifully smooth tomato sauce, fried onions and a lovely sauce called Da’ah, which is vinegar, garlic, cumin and salt.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 12

And for desert beautiful red and plump strawberries.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 13

Then Andy and I got picked up by one of my best friends Maha and her kids Hana and Kenzie in their very cool Jeep Wrangler. We were going to her apartment to hang out there with Maha and my other best friend Mai (also Maha’s sister) and her son Omar as well as Maha’s husband Mohammed. Maha, Mai and I met in Malaysia in 1994 and became best friends straight away. And even though we only see each other once every couple of years it’s just like we’ve never been apart.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 15

We had some amazing Shawarma sandwiches, shredded beef with veggies and Tahina. So good! Yum!

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 08 14

We spent the rest of the evening/night with Maha and Mai and it was really nice. I missed them =) Thanks for a great night girls =)

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