Adde Egypt Mom-Dad Wilderbeast

Egypt 2012 day 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

December 22Th, 2012

Yesterdays adventure in Istanbul was just too good to be true, and a great way of starting our vacation, but it did make us late to Egypt and missing a day of vacation…

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 01

A two hour trip with food and some sleep felt quick and before we knew it we landed in Cairo around 2 a.m. A quick and easy (knock on wood) pass through Immigration and Customs and we met my parents outside the airport. Finally, it had been a long trip…

We said Goodbye to our new friend Fazee and pilled into the car and drove home. At home we unpacked our luggage from all the Christmas food we had brought and had a chat with my parents before going to bed at around five a.m.

At ten we woke up and started our day of with our favorite Egyptian breakfast, Foul- (boiled broad beans) and Ta’ameya (fried vegetarian patties) sandwiches. Oh, how we had missed them!

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 02

We spent the rest of the day at home, I had a migraine that was impossible to shake and we were just to tired to do anything at all.

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 03

For dinner my Mom ordered Egyptian grilled fish, which is so yummy. The fish is charred and blackened but so moist and flavorful. Eaten with rice, red onions in vinegar and salad. Yum!

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 04

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 05

After dinner Andy and I took a walk through our neighborhood, also my old neighborhood were I lived 1999-2001. We walked down Road 9 and made some stops before turning back home to start with some Saffron buns baking.

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 07

Andy baked and I tried to write lists to remind us of what to bring when going to our summer apartment by the Red Sea to spend Christmas.

2013-04-02 Egypt day 2 06

When the buns were ready, we had some coffee and buns and decided that we’d be going to Ain Soukhna (Red Sea) on the morning of Christmas Eve.

Then we took an early night and tried to catch up on some sleep. Migraine be damned I was going to get better by morning!

Egypt trip 2012: Dec 20, Dec 21, Dec 22, Dec 23, Dec 24, Dec 25, Dec 26, Dec 27, Dec 28, Dec 29, Dec 30, Dec 31, Jan 1, Jan 2 and Dan 3.

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