Earth porn Egypt

Desert Breath

With it’s completion in 1997, Desert Breath is a beautiful art installation that inspires and seriously takes my breath away.

The art installation was created, 17 years ago, by  D.A.ST. Arteam, the Desert Breath, is located in the Egyptian desert near Hurghada on the Red Sea coast and is visable on Google Earth.

According to the artists in the D.A.ST Arteam,  Danae Stratou, Alexandra Stratou, and Stella Constantinides, the project was created to experience the feeling of infinity with the help of the vast desert and the vastness of the ocean. Almost two decades later the Desert Breath is in slow disintegration, but has been used as an instrument for the passage of time.

It’s a place that unfortunetly I knew nothing about and I would have loved to visit it. Therefore it’s on my “visit while in Egypt”-list…

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The Making of Desert Breath

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