Geocaching Ove.Lillis

Gotland 2010 – day 16

Breakfast at Hotel Ove & Lillis was at 8 and then we decided to take the whole gang on an outing towards the southern parts of Gotland for some shopping, since the weather seemed really iffy and little Matilda had a fever.

As soon as the-three-car-caravan, had gotten of the Fårö ferry and driven south a couple of km the sun started shining and it became a really nice warm day.

At around lunch time we set sails towards Ljugarn and to the Strandcafé (The Beach Café) for lunch. All the grown-ups, all 7 of us (Ove, Lillis, Fia, Panna, Sikkan, Andy and I) took the same food, Strandburgaren (The Beach Burger). It was a really nice burger with sallad and home fries, you know the really thick kind.

After lunch we drove towards Hemse and to Ladan, The Barn, a store with practiacally everything from clothes, to books, to candy, interior design products, outdoor apparel, kids toys – everything. Andy and I bought a pair of Base layer made from Bamboo. And Andy also found a soft shell jacket. The others found lots of house hold things for their homes.

After The Barn we went to Etelhem Krukmakeri, or Etelhem Pottery. Where they have the most beautiful things, all hand made by the amazing potterers. I’ve been there once before looking for a special set of muggs, similar to ones that Ove & Lillis have at home and that they gave to my mom. But I have yet to find them. The pottery is lovely, colorful and very desirable.

They also have pottery classes for both children and adults, and it’s a nice souvenier to bring home after a visit to Gotland.

We had some coffee and cake at Etelhem.

Then we went to Larsson & Larssons Krukmakeri or Pottery. I’d never been before and they had some really nice things, a couple of bowls that I wanted to buy, but at the same time we don’t need more stuff. But the had some really lovely bowls and lovely candle holders.

Then we made way towards Bi & Present, a store called Bee and Presents. Where they make honey and have lots of presents. This was their last week in business as they are closing the bee hive and starting with something new.

We bought both ny spunnet honung och Högsommarhonung, new spun honey and High summer honey. It’ll be a nice thing to have when the fall comes, to add to you tea or to spead over toast. They had set up a little station where you could try the honey before you bought it, and that I like, since you never really know how the honey might taste – honey tastes different everywhere depending on the flowers that the bees have to munch on.

Then we said our goodbyes to the gang, we’d really had a great time with them but it was time for us to move on. We still have 190-some caches to take on Gotland =) I love spending time with them, but it feels like we don’t do it enough on the main land – so that’s what we need to do =) Thank you Ove & Lillis for these great days and for all the really great food!!!

Then we went on a little geocaching trip and picked up, a regular cache, in Västergarn and then 4 church caches in Västergarn, Eskelhem, Sanda and Fröjel. That wen’t surprisingly fast to take 5 caches. And then we started to look for a night spot.

We took the road west towards the sea from Fröjel. But the first stretch of beach that we saw on a satelite map wasn’t a beach any more, it was a grassy field. So we went on south, towards Djupvik. After passing Djupvik we found a spot along a erroding cliff overlooking Lilla Karlsö, Little Karls island – one of two, nature preserves (only accessable with ferry, on foot)  islands of the western coast.

Dinner was a repeat on a previous night, but with a small twist, grilled chicken filéet with button musroom and red onion risotto with grilled haloumi, a mediterranian sauce with yogurt, red onion, sun dried tomatoes, black olives and spices. Yum!

The sun set beautifully over Lilla Karlsö or Little Karls island.

Cache-count: 5 / 482 caches. 

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