Hansson · Moving

Flyttlass 2

Adde och Hansson åker i Ookami + stort släp och jag åker UNKen fulllastad… Tur att Hansson är så snäll att han kommer springande så fort vi behöver hjälp… Location:Koppargatan,Norrköping,Sverige


One word…

The only rule is to answer the questions with just one word. Found at I am blessed. Your Cell Phone? iPhone Your Hair? Longer Your Mother? Unique Your Father? Funny Your Favorite Food? Koshari Your Dream Last Night? Nightmares Your Favorite Drink? DietCoke Your Dream/Goal? Joy What Room Are You In? Bedroom Your Hobby? Photography… Continue reading One word…

J-Family · Jakt


We switched Harmy for Ookami and are now driving towards town. It’s soooo hot and it feels like that it isn’t letting of at all… BUT I’m not in any way complaining -it’s perfect sunner weather but I’d love a pool to lye in…