Adde Egypt Mom-Dad Wilderbeast

Egypt 2012 day 4

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

December 24Th, 2012

Merry Christmas to you all!

In Sweden we celebrate Christmas on the 24th of December, so today is our first day of Christmas.

Our alarm clock rang at 6 a.m. And we just pilled from bed, to the bathroom, to the kitchen, to the elevator our arms filled with stuff and then into the cars.

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We started our 170 km trip towards Ain Soukhna and our summer apartment. The sun was rising and a beautiful morning welcomed us.

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The landscape in Egypt is pretty brilliant. The desert isn’t just sand but also mountains, large mountains. They are such a beautiful sight.

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After about a two hour trip we had finally arrived. Our apartment is a part of a larger complex but it still isn’t really finished. The grounds around the apartment are still sand and rubble, and the adjoining houses aren’t livable either cause most of them don’t even have walls. But our apartment is ready and waiting for us.

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Mom has spent lots of time making our apartment fully stocked and a great place to vacation. We have every one could ever need and more.

We unpacked the cars and made our way inside. A place that Andy and I still haven’t been. Mom and Dad bought the apartment about two years ago but we still hadn’t had the opportunity to visit. But now finally we have the time.

The apartment is on the second flour and is a three bedroom and two bathroom apartment. So we each have our own room. Mom has had them prepared to the teeth with everything we need.

Breakfast was on the schedule and we ate it on the balcony overlooking the Red Sea with the sun shining and the warmth in our faces.

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After breakfast we played some Perudo, a games of dice and then some MIG whilst we let the weather to heat up.

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The blue of the sea glistened and sang out to us to come for a swim, and we listened. The water wasn’t to cold but still not as warm as we would have liked it to be. But it was pretty much Swedish summer temperature so we don’t really have anything to be complain about.

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It was Andy’s first time swimming in the Red Sea and also the first time along the western coast. Last time we were in Egypt we visited Cairo, Luxor and Aswan as well as the White Desert so now we are trying to make sure we experience and visit new things and places.

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The water was really clean and clear with lots of beautiful corals and we spent quite a while in the water and then some time on the beach in the sun. Until we felt all filled up with sun and surf.

A warm and beachy Christmas is quite different from a snowy white Christmas but at the same time very similar to our Christmases growing up in Malaysia and Egypt. So it brought me back to my childhood.

After the swim we showered and got ready for fika with coffee and Andy’s Saffron Buns. Also glögg and gingerbread. Cozy Christmas celebration.

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Then it was time to start to make dinner. Even though we weren’t at home we were going to make our favorites for Christmas. A Swedish smorgasbord of deliciousness.

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Moms homemade meatballs, sausages, turkey ham, egg halves  Janssons temptation, boiled eggs, brown beans, omelet  herring and so much more yummy stuff. Also some Aquavit to top it off. A lovely dinner with my family, so nice!

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After dinner we had some more glögg, ginger bread, and saffron buns. And then it was time to start opening our Christmas presents. Lots of fun and lots of great stuff! Thanks everyone!

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After dinner we just lit some candles, played games, watching movies and hung out. Just like Christmas is supposed to be. A great Christmas at the Red Sea.

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