Adde Egypt Mom-Dad Wilderbeast

Egypt 2012 day 6

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

December 26Th

It was time to pack it up and go back to Cairo. After a few relaxing days at the Red Sea we’d need the hustle and bustle of a big city. We had breakfast and started to prepare the apartment.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 01

Cleaning and covering furniture and packing for the way home. A few pictures of the apartment to remind us and then a last whiff and a last look at the ocean to remember it and started our 170 km car ride home.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 02 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 03 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 05 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 06 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 07 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 04 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 08 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 09 2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 10

We arrived in Cairo at 10 a.m. and unpacked the car and our bags. We started preparing for the afternoon, my Grandmother and two of my uncles were coming to have dinner with us. One of my uncles lives in Paris, France and is leaving in a day or two so we just wanted to say good bye to him properly.

At lunch time we ordered Pizza Hut and had lunch at home. Just a quick lunch before we tried to rest of the rest of the afternoon. We were really very tired and all of us seemed like we needed to sleep.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 11

Our guests arrived and we had lots of laughs and enjoyed our time.

We had Kofta and Kebab, grilled pieces of meat as well as grilled meat rolls, served with oven roasted potatoes, spring rolls, samosas, kobbe (fried meat and bulgur rolls), babaghanough (an eggplant sauce), Tahina (sesame pasta), pickles, salad and bread. It was a real feast! I love Kofta and Kebab, the grilled flavor is beautiful.

2013-04-03 Egypten dag 06 12

After dinner we had a fruit salad with fresh strawberries, oranges, bananas and pomegranate. So good and such wonderfully tasting fruits. Yum!

And since this is Egypt we also offered the guests sweets in the form basbousa (semolina flour cake), baklawa (nuts rolled in filo dough), and lots of other treats. These are sweet and usually filled with nuts and loved in Egypt. But I don’t eat them because if my nut allergy and also because they are just a bit too sweet for me.

After dinner our guests left and we made it a night, tired but content.

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