Adde Egypt

Egypt 2012 day 14

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

January 3 rd

The alarm rang early early on the 3 rd, and it was time to make our way to the airport. Mom and Dad drove us there but we said Goodbye to Wilderbeast at the apartment since he was going to be flying to Dubai with Mom and Dad, and spend about a week there before returing back home again. The lucky one! =) Anyways, we said our Goodbyes and drove through a quite Cairo to the airport. A heartfelt Goodbye to my Parents, when reaching the airport and then we passed though towards the check-in desks. We got great seats and hustled of towards the gates.

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We did have some time to kill and but were way to tired to do any shopping so instead we rested.

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We were given EXIT seats on both legs of our flight home. Which was brilliant!

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Turkish did deliver this time =) No delays and no snowstorms, like on the way down, so we made our flight to Stockholm with plenty of time to spare.

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And the leg room was even better when we boarded in Istanbul.

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Still night…

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And we landed a few minutes late, but got our bags relativly quickly and picked up our car and started our trip back home…

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…through a gray Sweden…

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We were happy to be home, but did miss Cairo and all of the people there! This was a great trip, we had a great time and it was nice to see Cairo and also my Parents apartment by the Red Sea.  We’ll be coming back soon, I promise! Thanks for this time, Egypt – We LOVE You!!!

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