Adde Egypt Food Mom-Dad Wilderbeast

Egypt 2012 day 13

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Egypt 2012-2013 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I still haven’t been able to post from our trip to Egypt last Christmas. We had a lovely time and I took lots of pictures, but I still haven’t been through all the pictures but now I hope to be able to post some of our doings in Egypt.  I hope you’ll enjoy the post even though they are “slightly” late =) 


More from our trip to Egypt 2012-2013.

January 2 nd

Our last day in Egypt for this time and we were really happy that we’d had a great trip but also sad since we were going home. Andy and I both like Cairo and Egypt alot and miss our family and friends quite a bit. But that is the way the cookie crumbles for us and we’ll just have to be back soon again.

We woke up early and it was quite foggy in the morning. No sight of the pyramid from the balcony this morning. But isn’t the greenery lovely in Maadi?

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We all pilled into the car and drove to my Grandmothers house. She pretty much lives in, what I think is the most Egyptian of Cairo, on Misr-we-Sudan Street. A street were I’ve spent many hours strolling up and down in my youth together with my cousins. Across from her apartment is this mosque, I think it has  very details. And as you can see the weather changed dramatically and we had blue skies as far as the eye can see.

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We were going to eat breakfast together at my Grandmother and Uncle Mimmis house. But my aunt Maha and uncle Mostafa and my cousins Hady and Hadeer also came by to say good by and have a lovely breakfast together. My Grandmother is an amazing cook and had made lots of yummy dishes.

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Aged mish – a cheesemix (strong cheese that has aged in a jar with oil) that is served with tomatoes. Mish is usually made from Roumi cheese whish is a quite strong cheese and therefore becomes quite strong and the tomatoes help to lessen the heat. So good, I could live on this!

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My Grandmothers beautifully pickled olives and vegetables. Spicy, vinegary and crunchy. Lovely with everything. I was luck because my Grandmother let me know how she makes it and the recipe that she uses. I still haven’t tried to make them but I want to. They are delicious.

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Pickled Lift – turnip. This is one of my absolute favorite Egyptian foods. I love Lift!

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Homemade Taymeya – or sometimes called falafel in other countries in the region. But the Egyptian Taymeya is ground broad beens and then fried. So good, piping hot!

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White goats cheese – salty and really creamy.

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Roumi cheese – similar to a parmesan cheese. A big favorite!

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An Egyptian omelette.

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And lots of other good foods. An Egyptian breakfast is really a breakfast full of lots of different tastes and textures as well as sizes and everything is eaten with a lovely flat bread called Baladi. I’d eat Egyptian breakfast every day if I could, it’s the best breakfast I know.

Then it was time to say good bye to everyone and I was going to miss them terribly. They are all such wonderful people and I love being with them. I hope we’ll be back soon again, and that we won’t stay away for another 4 years.

We made our way back home to Maadi and made sure our packing was done as well as spent some last minute time in the sun on the balcony. We were going to meet up with my friends Maha and Mai later on in the afternoon so we took all the chances for sun that we could.

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We met up Maha and Mai as well as the kids Hana, Kenzie and Omar at Beano’s Cafe in Maadi, right by Road 9. It’s a large villa that has been converted to a cafe so i’ts like sitting in someones back garden. Lovely place and highly recommended!

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Lots of room to sit and different arrangements for the most variability. They also have a kids corner with swings and a slide to keep the kids occupied. And if bad weather or to hot outside one can sit inside in the AC.

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We ordered lots of different things and just had a great time talking and just enjoying each others company. Lots of reminising about Malaysia and Egypt as well as letting Andy in on all the bad stuff we have done in our youth =)

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The Vanilla Latté was beautifully smooth. Mmmm!

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A chicken wrap.

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After a few hours of Maha and Mai freezing and Andy and I enjoying the beautiful weather we walked back to the apartment and said our goodbyes to my best of friends. We really enjoy their company and had a great time together.

Time to pack the last things and make sure we were ready to go to the airport later on in the middle of the night. Cause we were taking out My Parents and little Brother for a last Thank You dinner at T.G.I Friday’s.

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We started out with a drink since we has some logistical issues, so I had a Mohijto with my Dad while waiting for Andy, Wilderbeast and Mom to arrive.

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We ordered lots of appitizers and shared. We were stuffed to the teeth after dinner, but it was all worth it =) Friday’s was a resturant athat we oftened visited when living in Malaysia, it was like a little piece of home in a far away place. And since it was kidfriendly My Parents really liked it too. We’d spend hours there on Sundays and it brings back really fond memories… Andy hadn’t been to Friday’s before so I really liked showing him what it was all about. We had some Jalapeno poppers…

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And some huge onion rings…

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As well as a nacho plate…

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And Wilderbeast who ADORES loaded potato skins, was in heaven!

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And some BBQ chicken wings!

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Yummy! And for mains some took burgers…

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…Other Philli-cheese-steak sandwiches…

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And some Fajitas…

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And we spent a few hours just having a lovely time and it really was the best way to end a great vacation, just the 5 of us, enjoying each others company, wigging out and giggling our way through dinner!

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And after dinner we made our way back home to finish the last bits of the packing and sleep a couple of hours before it was time to go to the airport and travel back home…

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  1. […] Knolton (Kanada), Skyburger på Fullriggaren Skybar i Gävle, TGI Fridays Onion Burger (Egypten), Blue Suede Burger på The Malt Shop i Stowe (USA), Hemmagjord hamburgare i Hemse, Hot Gun Burger på Taket och några […]

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